Even if you are not staying in your home town where you have your own residence, it is best that you do not allow the property to sit idle. Usually maintenance requirements go up and it is often neglected of these repairs and maintenance work that leads to the rundown of property. At the same…
Bulgarian Property for Sale
A globally recognized best practices and advice
Month: June 2015
How Are Mistakes Committed By A New Agent
If you’re looking into creating a business and a career out of real land agents at Harrison, then it is always important that you understand about the little things that do matter. There are many people that would like to get into the real estate business, as they find that this can be a lucrative…
Investing In SMSF Properties: Residential Or Commercial
The use of self managed super fund is promoted these days to make an investment; however the end decision to use these funds or not lies in the hands of an investor. He must be sure if he can commit such large amount of funds for investment and if same involves any kind of risk…